James Ray Anderson

James Ray Anderson
James Ray Anderson

Faster MSDN Downloads with Microsoft File Transfer Manager (FTM)

4:01 PM

You may be able to obtain faster downloads from MSDN using the File Transfer Manager 5.0 by making a few system changes. I came across something on My Digital Life and tried it. The original article did not work (initially) for me. I did a ping of global.ds.microsoft.com and saw that it came back as global.ds.msft.com.akadns.net with a different IP that what was listed. The IP in the article was but the ping showed it as

Before you start, suspend any File Transfer Manager downloads, disable UAC (if Vista or 7).

Part 1: Change HOSTS File
1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
2. Browse to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc.
3. Make a backup of your hosts file, and save it somewhere else.
4. Edit your hosts file using Wordpad or some other editor.
5. Add an entry to the file with: global.ds.msft.com.akadns.net

6. Save the hosts file.
7. Open a command prompt.
8. Type ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter.
9. Close the command window.

Part 2: Internet Explorer Settings
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Go to Tools > Options.
3. Select the Security Tab and the select Trusted Sites.
4. Click on Sites and Add the following entries:


5. Click Close when you are done adding entries.
6. Go to the Privacy tab.
7. Click on the Sites button. Enter the same entries above and click Allow.
6. Click OK.
7. Close Internet Explorer.

Part 3: Resume Downloads
1. Start your File Transfer Manager and resume your download.


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