James Ray Anderson

James Ray Anderson
James Ray Anderson


3:22 PM
This page is a very high-level overview HTML 5.  This page assumes you are familiar with HTML 4 in the first place. 

HTML 5 is the latest draft of HTML markup.  HTML 5 is used heavily in creating Windows 8 applications as well as web pages.  The main differences are:
Browser Support
Not all browsers support HTML 5.  So take this into consideration when building web pages.  Some may support some or most of the features.  For an unofficial but helpful chart of browser support check out http://www.texaswebdevelopers.com/html5. or the Wiki at Whatwg.org

One of the main differences between HTML4 and HTML5 is instead of creating divs and providing ID's for the divs - they are now treated as tags themselves.  This simplifies the HTML coding.  For example:

HTML 4 becomes                         HTML 5
<div id="header">   <header>
<div id="nav">   <nav>
<div id="article">   <article>
<div id="section">   <section>

There are many more tags and you can visit the HTML 5 New Elements on the W3C website for a complete digest.

The differences in forms has made things simpler.  Things such as required, placeholder, and patterns.  These are form Attributes.  For example:

HTML 5 Attribute   What it does
required   Make the field a required entry value.
placeholder   Allows you to specify a default value for the field as a prompt.
pattern   You can use Regular Expressions to enforce an entry pattern, such as \d\d\d-\d\d\d\d for a phone number.
autofocus   Indicates the field should receive focus when the page load is complete.

Form Attributes
There are many more attributes and you can visit the HTML 5 New Form Attributes on the W3C website for a complete list.

The <video> element provides a better way to show video content.  Previously you had a plug-in like Flash or a browser-specific feature.  It provides support for multiple videos, automatic buttons, and a downgrade (browser not supported) message.  The <audio> element provides a standard for playing audio content.  Support for various audio formats is also included.

Canvas and SVG
The <canvas> element lets you draw graphics on-the-fly via scripting.  Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a way to define scalable graphics in an XML format.  Useful for charts or zooming and supports dynamic data.

Geo Location
You can use this to get the geographical position of a user once they approve this feature.  Check out this for more details.

Input Types
The new input types provide for special input form elements.  These new input types have time-saving features associated with them as some of them have built-in validation based on the input type.  For example:
  • email
  • month
  • number
  • tel
  • time
  • url
  • and more...
Local Storage
The local storage, called web storage, allows you to safely store data in the user's browser.  Previously this could be done through insecure cookies.  The storage supports session-based and local storage options.  The session-based expires whereas the local does not. 

Application Storage
With HTML5 you can create an offline application that does not require an internet connection.  However, IE currently doesn't support this...but hopefully they will in the near future!

Web Workers
A web-worker is a JavaScript that runs in the background.  You can create and terminate workers without affecting the page.  Very handy for performing calculations, getting updates, etc.  Not supported by IE.  Grrr.  Hopefully they will in the near future!

Server Sent Events
In the past you had to have a web page check for any updates.  With server-sent events, the server provides updates without having to check back.  Not supported by IE.  Double grrr.  Hopefully they will in the near future!


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