James Ray Anderson

James Ray Anderson
James Ray Anderson

Protecting Digital Assets - Encrypting Laptop Data

4:12 PM
You may or may not be aware of this...but 10,000+ laptops are stolen each week from airports.  It is estimated that 1 in 9 laptops is stolen during the lifetime of a business.  Working in the software industry for over 14 years, I have seen a lot of laptops taken.  Sometimes from the guy who left it on the seat of the car as he went into 7-Eleven (doh!), and sometimes right out of the corporate office (and nobody saw it!).

With regulations and laws in place regarding protection of financial and medical data - you better be safe otherwise it could cost you dearly.  Here are some things you can do (or points where you can start researching from):

Laptop Recovery
There is software that exists and it is not expensive and it may help you recover your laptop if it is stolen. The two software companies I have listed below will provide you those possible recovery features - as well as the ability to delete your data remotely.
Data Encryption
While the laptop recovery software is helpful...you should add another layer of protection.  Digitally encrypt and protect your important data.  That way nobody can access the data without the correct ID and password.  Overkill you say?  Not at all.  the data encryption software makes it easy (one login) and it protects either a folder, folders, or your whole hard drive.  Your choice.  Here are some quick options for you to research.

In Closing
I personally like the LaptopCop and Symantec suites.  You can secure your laptop for less then $150.00 and get peace of mind.


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