James Ray Anderson

James Ray Anderson
James Ray Anderson

Cheaper Printer Ink - Inkjet Cartridges

9:21 AM
Anyone who has an inkjet printer knows thow woes of running out of ink (usually when you need it to work the most!). But the nightmare is not over. You have not bought more ink yet. As you trapse through the front door of your favorite office supply store you realize - your ink is not cheap! Thirty, forty, fifty bucks later - you have your ink.

But wait - what about using those ink refill kits. Been there - done that. I have an HP printer so I use a refill kit. It is great in a pinch and works well and without mess most of the time.

However, I think I found the Fountain of Youth of ink cartridge replacement.


They seem to have everything, and their prices are considerably cheaper than anyone else I have come in contact with.

Some other features I really like:

  • You can go to your account and re-order!
  • Easier to find cartridges than anywhere else!
  • Their delivery is usually the next business day!

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